Saturday, January 30, 2010

and now for something completely different

Hey reader(s?), sorry about the radio silence on this here 'blog! I've been busy since I got back to Ireland. I've started writing a new chapter of my thesis, which means my days are filled with re-reading my notes, skimming over secondary sources, tearing at my hair in frustration, and occasionally typing something. With all this stress, a girl definitely needs some hobbies, wouldn't you agree?

Well, as luck would have it, I do have some hobbies. One of these hobbies is playing the ukulele! I bought the uke back in September, completely on a whim, and have been teaching myself to play ever since. I have been having a ton of fun with it! I brought it home for winter break, and impressed* all my friends with my mad skillz.

Then, one fateful night, my dear darling ladyfriend Krystal and I went out to the bar for karaoke night. In the midst of lots of singing, screaming, and drinks that may or may not have contained alcohol, we decided that a great way to stay in touch while I'm in Ireland and she's in Michigan would be to start a video 'blog, or "vlog" as the kids call it, where we played songs on the ukulele to each other! The only hitch was that Krystal did not, at the time, actually own a ukulele. Luckily, that has since been remedied, and we have now officially launched project Randi and Yeti. (It's named after what we sound like when we sing. My cat's name is Randi and she has a really loud yowly voice. And 'yeti' is self-explanatory, really.)

So this afternoon, I decided to record my first song for Project Randi & Yeti.

The youtube channel, where all the videos will go, can be found here. And the video that Krystal recorded for me is here, with bonus footage of my friends being silly.

*Does not guarantee that anyone was actually impressed.