Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Well, I am back from my summer vacation in Michigan and Chicago. It was lovely! Beach time, good food and drinks, great friends-- pretty much everything a vacation needs to be.

After I got back, I spent a day getting back on my feet and then jumped back into the swing of things... for about four days. And then...

My friend Sara arrived! She is currently visiting me for the next ten days! Admittedly it would be a little more exciting if I hadn't just seen her two weeks before, but still. I love having friends visit-- it makes me look at my city in a whole new way. Plus, I like it when people stay with me. I'm a person who needs a lot of alone time, and overall I love living by myself, but waking up and having someone to chat with over your morning coffee is something that I miss. And having that kind of companionship, even (especially?) on a temporary basis, is really nice. It's like having a roommate, only without being slowly driven insane! (Well, maybe that's just me.)

Ok, off to exploring and adventure! Excelsior!