Wednesday, December 29, 2010

An open letter to George Lucas

Dear George Lucas,

When next you decide to try to squeeze more money out of Star Wars by re-booting the franchise-- and don't pretend you haven't thought of it! Re-boots are all the rage these days, so we all know that after the 3d re-re-release, that will be the next step. So anyway, when you re-boot the franchise, I have a request: Jeff Bridges for Obi-Wan Kenobi. He's played a Jedi in at least two movies* already, and most recently in Tron: Legacy he showed that he can look badass and commanding in a robe. He also can grow a beard like a champ.

So please, remember: Jeff Bridges for Obi-Wan Kenobi!

Love, despite everything,

(Yes, I saw Tron: Legacy last night. It's a fun movie whose poorly-written dialogue was compensated for by badass action sequences! Also, it has an excellent soundtrack, as it was scored by the inestimable Daft Punk. Which is perfect, because I'm pretty sure Daft Punk lives in the grid in real life. Anyway, Jeff Bridges absolutely rocked it, playing a character he last played almost 30 years ago and doing it with style.)

(Also, I'm currently in Michigan for the winter holidays! My time has been mostly taken up by lying around, playing video games, and/or hanging out with friends and family. And drinking.)

*Men Who Stare At Goats and The Big Lebowski, obviously.