Sunday, August 31, 2008

Crap, it's almost September?!

Tomorrow is September 1. There are pros and cons to this.
Pro: My PhD funding kicks in at the end of September! If all goes according to plan I should get my first monthly stipend on Sept. 26.
Con: My MA thesis is due Sept. 5. Cue panic.

Actually all I have to do is write a solid conclusion, and that shouldn't take too long. (Shouldn't, but has... I've been trying to write it all weekend.) Then get it bound, and then hand the dang thing in!

So back to it. To apologize for this terse update, I offer this: a sample of my favorite comic, Piled Higher and Deeper.
(Click for full-size.)

It's a comic about grad school! And, for a bonus, one that is extra-relevant for me right now...

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