Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Things I love

-I have now lived in this apartment for six months. Today, walking from the living room through the kitchen to the bedroom, I thought suddenly "I love my apartment!" I really do! Six months is enough time to find all the little things that are wrong with a place and to start getting annoyed by them, but I still love this apartment. It's not perfect-- I wish it had a bathtub, for one-- but it's still lovely. Cozy but not too small, minimal without feeling sparse, everything one person could need.

-I really really love soy milk. Yum. I recently decided to switch over entirely, after discovering that soy milk is only slightly more expensive than regular milk and that I like it better in my coffee and tea. The only problem is that I like it so much, it would be easy to drink the whole carton the day I buy it. (I have been known to drink half a gallon of soy milk in one day.)

-My wonderful boyfriend Jim is visiting me, and he will be here in nine days! Yay!

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