Monday, May 18, 2009

belated pictures from Cork

A while ago, I went with the NUI Galway Orchestra to Cork. My friend Sarah just emailed the pictures she took of the weekend, so I thought I would share a couple!

(Click to enlarge!)

Me and Liz, a cellist. This is what Cork looks like-- very urban-- so I was surprised when we got to the University College Cork campus and it looked like this:

Very peaceful, with footbridges and lots of grassy areas and pretty flowering trees.

Me and Sarah, violinist, in front of the UCC quad.

The orchestra and one of the choirs, playing one of the Mozart pieces. I'm hiding behind my stand.

The orchestra in action! I'm again hidden behind my stand, but at least you get a good view of the conductor Hugh's awesome ponytail.

Orchestra standing. There I am, back row in the center!

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