Thursday, October 29, 2009

Happy Hallowe'en!

I am up way, way too late. 'Cause why? 'Cause I was carving pumpkins, that's why!

Every year, my tradition is to watch The Nightmare Before Christmas as I carve my pumpkins. It might technically count as a Christmas movie, but this song always gets me super-excited for Halloween:

This year, I had two pumpkins to carve-- one was purchased for my friend Bri, but she hasn't had the time to come carve it, so I went ahead and did it myself. So, the fruits of my labors! (Click to embiggen... and apologies for the poor quality of the photos, my camera's batteries are dead so I had to use the laptop's built-in webcam.)


A Clockwork Pumpkin!

I had a hard time getting a shot that showed the eyelash things. But I figured I had to do this, because after all I do own a bowler hat.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have two pumpkins' worth of roasted pumpkin seeds to eat. Which is of course the best part of the whole carving experience.

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