Thursday, March 31, 2011


Oh my god I am SO HELLUVA BUSY right now. I have way too many things on my plate, with trying to organize a conference, trying to write a paper for a different conference, trying to organize my mini-internship in Boston this summer (yes! I'm spending a month at Boston College, working in their main research library!), and somewhere in there working on my actual thesis. Oh, and selling tickets for my upcoming year-end Orchestra concert. And doing yoga. And hanging out with friends.

My main hobby these days, when I'm not doing any of the aforementioned things, is reading. Like, for pleasure! Wow! I discovered that I can easily pirate books, find them in pdf format and download for free. Since I have an ipad, it makes reading pdf formatted books very easy. Though I also actually bought Patrick Rothfuss's The Name of the Wind on the ipad, and read it. No, not read, devoured. Excellent book, excellent writing. Sometimes I think the standards in genre fiction, like sci fi and fantasy, tend to be a bit lower; the focus tends to be more on the premise of the story, rather than the writing itself. But Patrick Rothfuss is actually a great writer, regardless of the fact that what he writes about occasionally involves magic or elves. I'm currently reading The Time Traveler's Wife, on the recommendation of a ton of people, and enjoying it too. Not what I expected, and I like the structure.

Anyway, I've been doing a lot more microblogging than proper blogging these days-- using facebook and the twitters a lot more. So I decided to post a few of my choice twitter updates here. (If you have twitter and want to follow me, my twitter name is @ephemerayla. See what I did there? I thought it was clever, anyway.)

-Just sitting around the flat, learning to play Rocky Horror's "Touch-A Touch-A Touch Me" on the ukulele. #TypicalFridayNight


-I just learned a new word! "Oppugnant," antagonistic/combative, from L. "ob-" against and "pugnare" to fight. <3 words.

-I don't FEEL that tired, but writing a paper I couldn't remember the word "protagonist." I study theatre history. Yeah. #5HoursOfSleep

-Why do I have such a hard time writing professional emails? My shyness about talking to strangers comes out tenfold whenever I try.

-My phone's touchscreen has chocolaty fingerprints smeared all over it. #WhyICantHaveNiceThings

-I keep getting distracted by articles about breastfeeding; last night I dreamed about holding an infant. Biological clock much?


-Discovery: a google image search for "chicory" will make me unutterably homesick.

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