Monday, March 10, 2008

belated update

I'm sorry I didn't post something yesterday. I wrote two essays in four days. I should be excused for pretty much any behavior at this point, as I'm pretty sure I'm legally insane by now. (I slept for 45 minutes last night, and I was in class from 11am to 7pm today... it's a wonder I'm still upright.)

But here is something amusing I found! Advice for evil graduate students. A lot of the advice hits very close to home... if you take out the word "evil" it's pretty much exactly what our thesis seminars sound like.

The next time I write here, I promise I will have much more to say. On Saturday, my oldest friend the lovely and talented Sara Krause will be here! She will be staying from the 15th to the 23rd... which, yes, includes St. Patrick's day. I've seen St. Patrick's day in Dublin, and I'm excited to see what Galway has to offer for it. (The parade is a lot shorter, I know.) Also, starting on Thursday I am on Easter break for two weeks! Exciting times are afoot...

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