Monday, October 6, 2008

Indecision 2008 (Or, Vote for Tim!)

Sorry for the deluge of posts, but something even more interesting today happened, and I felt I should share.

I got my absentee ballot in the mail today! (I get to vote before you, nyah nyah!) This is what an absentee voter looks like:

I very glad that I'm voting absentee, actually-- I've been so out of touch with Michigan and Ottawa County that I was surprised by a number of things on the ballot. There are medical marijuana and stem cell research initiatives! Though, if Michigan ("The State That Banned Gay Marriage and Only Votes Democratic Because of the Labor Unions") passes a medical marijuana bill, I will be very shocked. Pleasantly so, but still. Also, it looks like Ottawa County is FINALLY trying to get rid of that "no beer or wine sold on Sundays" crap. (But liquor is ok. If they keep it, come Christmas break I'm going to go to a restaurant on a Sunday and order a glass of wine. When the server informs me that, sorry, can't sell beer or wine on Sunday, I'll say "Right then! Five tequila shooters. Line 'em up.")

Anyway. The most surprising thing I found on the ballot would have to be this:
(Click to enlarge)

Tim Winslow? As in, Tim Winslow, Spring Lake High School class of 1999, who sat next to me in band? Yep. According to won the primary on 5 August.

So, Tim Winslow officially has my endorsement for state rep! Vote for Tim!

(Man. You think you start feeling old when your friends are getting married and having babies? Try when people you went to high school with are running for government offices.)

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