Sunday, October 26, 2008

Sunday post?!

A post on time?! Gasp! Shock!

I am in Dublin right now, at an internet café around the corner from my hostel. The hostel's wireless internet wasn't working earlier, so after a lot of trouble (and trouble-shooting) I finally found a place to use my laptop. (I still don't have internet at my new place, so I haven't been able to obsessively check my email every three minutes like I'm used to.)

Anyway. My cousin1 Alex is in Ireland to run in the Dublin Marathon! I took the train into Dublin this afternoon, checked into my hostel, and met Alex at his hotel. We went out to dinner, then he had to meet up with his team for a shindig, and then go to bed early-- he has an absurdly long race tomorrow morning, after all! Since I am a slothful layabout, I wandered around Temple Bar for a while, ate some gelato, and then embarked on my quest for internet before ending up here. Tomorrow, I will cheer him on with the wives/girlfriends of a couple other marathon runners from his team, before heading back to Galway in the evening. (I have class Tuesday morning.) Tuesday afternoon, Alex will be coming over to Galway and staying with me for a few days! I'm sure a lot of shenanigans will ensue. Fun times ahead!

1: I use the term "cousin" here rather loosely, as the the custom among the Zachary family. Our family tree would give Gregor Mendel2 headaches, so we just tend to call everyone who isn't in your immediate family "cousin." Alex, in this case, is actually my father's first cousin, but is much closer to my age. Also my godfather.

2: Oh yeah, I went there. Nerdy references FTW.

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