Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy Saint Patrick's day!

Yes, it is the biggest holiday in Ireland! No businesses are open, except pubs and off-licenses (liquor stores), and everyone is drunk by noon. Everyone who isn't a grad student that has a history paper due on Friday, that is.

Yes, I am spending this most raucous of holidays at my basement cubicle, working on a paper. It's my own fault, really-- I spent the thoroughly mundane weekend effing around and not doing much of anything, so now I have to spend a holiday working. It's ok. I don't have much money for drinking this month anyway, and I have to do a lot of work tomorrow too. But I did crochet a shamrock, and pinned it to my shirt, so that's kind of festive I guess.

(Friends back home are always saying "Oh, you're so lucky! You live in Ireland, that must be so fun!" Well, yes, I live in Ireland, but I'm also a grad student in Ireland. Doesn't leave much time for fun!)

One reason for me working so hard this week is that I will be chairing a seminar at a conference this weekend. This sounds much more impressive than it actually is-- it's an undergraduate history conference, and my role will be mostly to facilitate discussion with a group of undergrads. But it will look good, and I will do pretty much anything to pad out my CV! When did I become so career-oriented? (Probably about the time I got a career!)

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