Monday, May 24, 2010

Ireland's semi-annual Week of Nice Weather

Oh man, my weekend was crazy-go-nuts awesome! Well, ok, it wasn't that crazy. But it was warm! Thursday through Sunday it was in the 70s and sunny, which is about a semiannual occurrence in Ireland, so I had to take full advantage. (Today it's in the mid 60s, and says it will be back down to the 50s by Wednesday... sigh.)

-I woke up feeling crappy stomach-flu-y, so I laid low most of the day. Then in the evening Jenn invited me to come meet her, to sit outside a cafe and drink a glass of wine. I turned down the wine, but met her anyway.
-And it was warm and lovely, and I was suddenly very happy that I'd come out, and decided that my day couldn't get any better-- I was wearing short sleeves and a skirt! In Ireland!
-And then, who should walk past us down the street, but Cillian Murphy! (You know-- the main guy in 28 Days Later, the Scarecrow in Batman Begins, the bad guy in Red Eye, the tranny in Breakfast on Pluto...) He was in Galway for the 35th anniversary of a local theatre company that he was in, back in the day. Anyway, he walked past us about four times, and each time we squealed with excitement. I can happily report that he is just as gorgeous and dreamy in real life as in the movies!

-I went out in the evening with Jenn. First to a bar, because one of her co-workers was having a birthday party there. I had never been to this particular bar, and when we walked in it looked kind of dingy and smelly, the kind of place where old men would watch football. But then we kept walking, out the back door and into the beer garden, which was absolutely lovely! Trees and plants, picnic tables, tin-and-tarpaper-roofed awnings, and another bar outside. I think it's my new favorite place to go for warm nights.
-Also, since it was a birthday party, there was chocolate cake with chocolate buttercream frosting! And, since there were no plates, everyone ate their slice of chocolate cake with their hands. Eating chocolate cake with your hands is a highly underrated activity!
-After it got fully dark (11 or 11:30pm), Jenn and I continued on to a bonfire party. The bonfire party was down by the beach, and we met lots of random people. Including one Serbian guy with an accent that made him sound hilariously like Borat; at one point, he pinched my arm and said I was too small and needed some skin on my bones. (Yes, skin.)

-It was a beautiful sunny day, so I put on shorts and a tank top and went out to the Market!
-I bought a blended iced caramel macchiatto (yum!) and then picked up some Matar Paneer from the crazy Irish Hare Krishna dude who sells vegetarian Indian food.
-Then I sat on the grass outside the medieval church, drank my icey coffee and ate my Indian food while reading a book.
-After I finished eating, I did my shopping, picking up some fresh veggies (including beets! Beets are hard to find here for some reason!) and fresh fish at the Market. I also did some regular shopping at the grocery store, and in a fit of summer-induced madness bought some new sandals. (I'm only going to wear them like twice a year, so the purchase was probably unnecessary. But they were only €10 and are super-cute.)

-I went to the beach!!!! Woo! I can't stress how happy this makes me. I've only worn my bathing suit one other time in Ireland, during last summer's Week of Nice Weather. Jenn and I lay on the sand, reading and chatting and just enjoying the sun, for almost 4 hours. We tried to swim, but couldn't get more than knee-deep-- the water was just too dang cold. (In case we'd forgotten that Ireland is in the North Atlantic...) My feet were almost cramping from the cold after only a few minutes in the water. Still, it was a wonderful time.
-After getting home and eating dinner, I cleaned my apartment. I had planned on doing it earlier, but the day was just too nice to waste it inside-- you have to take advantage of every minute of sun on this damn island. So I did my spring cleaning in the evening. I started around 7pm and finished around 11, having thoroughly dusted, scrubbed, and mopped all the winter dirt out of this place. It's nice to finally have that done, and to have a sparkling clean flat again.

Today I'm staying home because I'm finally getting wi-fi installed! The internet man is supposed to come somewhere between 1 and 5 pm... I'm guessing he'll show up around 6:30 or so, that's how Irish service tends to work. Still, I'm excited!

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