Sunday, June 22, 2008

Easy come, easy go

It is officially summer. And yesterday was overcast and rainy and autumnal all day long, and today it's sunnier but I'm still wearing a sweater. Ah, Ireland.

Two of my friends-- Beth and Meredith-- are leaving this week. Meredith, originally from Boston, figured out that all the books she needs to finish writing her thesis are at the Boston College library. She also has a good job and a good boyfriend waiting back in the 'States, so she'll be moving back and submitting her thesis through the mail. Beth, on the other hand, is just plain insane-- she is done with the first draft of her thesis! She just needs to revise it. (Just so you know, I am considered to be ahead of the game because I have one chapter [out of about five] finished.) She is eager to get back to her family and find a job, so she'll be heading back to Minnesota.

Because of this, the last week and a half has been full of socializing. We've been going out a lot and just generally spending a lot of time with "the girls"-- Jenn, Meg, Meredith, Beth, and myself. Last night, I hosted a dinner party! It was quite lovely, just us sitting around the table drinking wine and eating delicious food. (I made my favorite pasta dish, Meredith made some amazing teriyaki chicken, Jenn brought mashed potatoes, and Beth brought chocolate pudding. Yum.) I really am a good cook, and it's nice to be able to cook for other people sometimes.

Today, we had a big "swap meet," as I called it. Meredith brought over a few bags of clothes to Beth's house, where Beth had large piles of her own, to give away. Both of them have more things than space in their suitcases, and are planning on giving a lot of things to charity shops, but they gave us first pick. I scored three large shopping bags full of things like clothing and office supplies and bread pans. Nice.

The leaving-town bug must be contagious, because I found out yesterday that Mhairi1 is moving out! She has some family issues going on back in Australia, so she's leaving to be with them on July 1. (So we're now looking for another roomie. Anyone know someone who needs a place to live in Galway?) Julie will be gone for the next two and a half weeks, too-- she'll be traveling for work this week, and then on Thursday she's going to the 'States for two weeks to visit her fiancé. It will be rather nice to have the place to myself, I'm not going to lie... but I'll also have to take calls and (hopefully!) applicants to look at the place. And I'll (hopefully!) be busy working on my thesis. Ah, life.

As much as I miss my family, it is nice to know that I have a place to live and a life laid out in front of me for the next four years. I really do love adventure and travel, but I also definitely crave that sort of stability.

1: My third roommate was originally introduced to me as "Mary." I'm not sure if that's a nickname version of her name or what, but she goes by Mhairi, which I saw on an envelope for her once. It sounds like "varry," rhyming with "starry."

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