Sunday, November 22, 2009

The Craic in the 'Frack

Hey! Did you know I live in Ireland? I totally do! Sometimes I forget that.

Ok, not really forget, but my normal everyday life is so mundane that it's hard to imagine that I'm having a Foreign Experience Abroad. I might be making my morning toast with a different brand of bread than I would back home, but the big picture of my life is no different from any grant-funded humanities grad student anywhere.

But, when I went away to Letterfrack for the weekend with the orchestra, I got a big old reminder that I actually do live in a different country.

So, pictures! (Click to embiggen.)

First, the town of Letterfrack and surrounding Connemara environs.

(A different mountain than the picture above! Connemara is full of mountains.)

Road signs, in Letterfrack's only crossroads.

And pictures of the Coolest Hostel Ever.

Entrance to the hostel driveway.

I didn't get nearly as many pictures of the place as I wanted, but this will give you an idea. Yes, it's in an old monastery. Yes, that's a broken piano outside the front door.

Outside wall, hung with sheep skulls. There were sheep skulls and bones all over the place, sitting on shelves and cabinets and in corners. At least, we hoped they were from sheep.

Stairway in the hostel. The flash kind of washed it out, but note the broken mandolin, bugle, artist's model, stuffed weasel (marten? mink? something like that), antlers, and antique ceremonial-looking robe of some sort. This is pretty representative of the decor all over.

Breakfast nook, next door to our room.

I took these next two on the car ride home: Connemara, aka the Misty Mountains.

A bog and mountains whose tops are obscured by mist. Yep, must be Ireland.

Finally: this poster was hanging in the hostel kitchen. I think it says everything you need to know about the place.


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